Wednesday 19 January 2011

Ldn Beast Catches Up With Erin Christine...

Sitting in a room, with only a piano, microphone, a couch and a few other pieces of recording audio equipment is what most music artists call work time, not for this talented 23 year old. This is called living the dream for Erin Christine. Currently living in her manager’s studio she is more than at home! Erin is lucky enough to be managed by Tiffany Starr, who has worked with the likes of Kanye, John Legend and P Diddy. We caught up with Erin Christine in a bid to gain a insight into who she really is and her plans for 2011. 

We see your relationship with Tiffany Starr as a major influence as to what you are doing right now, subsequently how influential is she on your career personally, what makes her stand out from the crowed to you?

 She’s very important because in this industry you really have to be careful who you surround yourself with and Tiff is one person that i know i can trust with anything.  I know Tiff has my back and i am so lucky to have someone like her on my side.  Not only is she a beast with the pen but she is a monster when it comes to business and not
taking NO for an answer. Personally Tiff has done a lot for me starting with giving me a place to stay.  She moved me in to her recording studio. She saw something in me and she took a risk and i am forever grateful for that.

Having moved away from home ‘sleeping on a couch, in the studio’ has it been difficult to adjust or has the positives of doing something you love made the whole adjustment easy to adapt to?
I think i am blinded by the love for what i do.  I would sleep on the floor if i had to. I am just so happy to be able to do what I love and i am so lucky to have a team that pushes and fights for me!

Do you feel that under the influence of Tiffany Starr, your most likely way into the charts would be through featuring on tracks with the likes of John  Legend or something similar like the remix of say featuring Pusha T or do you aspire to achieve it solely through your own tracks?
  I don't think that it hurts to have someone like Pusha feature on my record, if anything it helps widen my fan base, but Tiff and I work 24 hours a day, when we are sleeping we are dreaming about working. I
think that type of work ethic along with talent and a strong team is what will push us to the top.

Right now many artists seem to be really embracing the benefits of social network sites, do you believe this is a benefit to artists like yourself as a way of ‘being here’d’ and generating hype, we see your a bit of a twitter addict!?
  I think social networking is everything right now.  It gives a chance for artists to promote their music and share it with the world. Back when social networking wasn't around the only way you could do that was with a big budget and a major label.  Now, all you need is an internet connection and you can become a superstar like Justin Bieber.  I LOVE communicating with my fans directly.  It's so great to
see who's listening to your music and to watch your fan base grow.

Realistically, what do you feel this year will bring to your life and what will the fans of your music have to look forward to? What are your three main goals for 2011? 
I know that this year is going to bring a lot of new and exciting opportunities.  Three goals of mine this year are to Tour (definitely in London!) ,release and create more music for my fans, and continue to grow and work on my vocals and piano and become unstoppable!  This year I am going to take over!

We expect big things from Erin and one thing is for sure she will continue to impress the industry with her range of vocals and her skills on the piano. Erin is not only talented she is polite, hardworking and dedicated. The ingredients is there!

 Check out Erin's single 'SAY'

Erin Christine Twitter:
Booking Info Get In Touch With Her Manager:

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